Why isn’t there mouse flavoured cat food?

You maybe be a little confused to why I decided to talk about cat food? But this post isn’t really about why anyone hasn’t thought of the brilliant idea of creating mouse flavoured cat food, although I might just go pitch the idea to whiskers. This post is actually about all those weird questions/thoughts that pop in to our minds while waiting for the bus or simply while day dreaming in a boring maths lesson. Sometimes these questions can be really silly for example the other day while I was meant to be completing my biology homework on respiration I found myself asking what if we all looked like the Simpsons and cartoons actually looked like humans? Or what if we were being watched by someone on a giant television right this moment? Mind blowing right? Crazy imagination I know but surely I can’t be the only one there must be times when you’ve found yourself thinking about the world in a completely silly manner. But then there’s the thoughts and questions that keep us up all night. It all starts off with that one simple question what if I did things differently? This deadly question can make our early night turn into a dreaded sleepless one. As one thought leads to another we find ourselves over thinking every possible situation, our brain manages to make a big deal out of anything and everything. Soon our bodies get restless yet our brains still refuse to sleep, every bad decision you’ve made in life comes back to haunt you. But why can’t we block these thoughts out? Erm well I don’t actually know the answer to that question there must be some psychological explanation. But my advice would to be to save your self from a sleepless night instead of asking yourself what if before you go to bed just wonder why isn’t there mouse flavoured cat food.

One thought on “Why isn’t there mouse flavoured cat food?

  1. Pingback: Life with a Celebrity Cat | Life Is Color

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